Number of versions: 11
Edition: December 19, 2009

As is known so far Parker Brothers issues also in Chile only the
Spanish edition of Atlantic City. On the other hand there are a few inland
manufacturers who issue Monopoly-like games.
Spanish language ed., Ref.8009
"Juego de Intercambio de Finca Raíz de Parker
Brothers (Game of exchange of properties, originally P.B.)
Publisher: Parker Brothers, Inc. - Beverly - 1985
Dimensions of the box: 25.6 x 51.0 cm
The game:
This set has been issued by Parker Brothers in all North-, Middle- and South
American countries where Spanish is spoken, so most probably in Chile as well.
It concerns the well-known American standard edition in the white box with the
streets of Atlantic City, but in the Spanish language.
From Go (¡Adelante!) on all properties
of the International Spanish language edition are:
Avenida Mediterráneo - Arca Comunal
(Community Chest) - Avenida
Báltica - Impuesto sobre Ingresos (Income Tax)
- Ferrocarril Reading - Avenida Oriental -
Casualidad (Chance) - Avenida
Vermont - Avenida Connecticut - En
la .../De visita no más - Plaza San Carlos - Compañía
de Electricidad - Avenida de los Estados -
Avenida Virginia - Ferrocarril
de Pensilvania - Plaza Santiago - Arca
Comunal - Avenida Tennessee - Avenida Nueva York -
Parada Libre (Free Parking) - Avenida Kentucky -
Casualidad - Avenida
Indiana - Avenida Illinóis - Ferrocarril
B. & O. - Avenida Atlántico - Avenida
Ventnor - Obras de agua potable (Drinking-water
Works) - Jardines
Marvin - !Váyase a la Cárcel! (Go to Jail)
- Avenida
Pacífico - Avenida Carolina del Norte
- Arca Comunal - Avenida Pensilvania -
Ferrocarril Short
Line - Casualidad - Plaza del Parque
- Impuesto sobre posesiones de lujo (Luxury Tax) and Paseo
The lid of this "long box" shows the last part of the 4th side
and Go. On top is the red
bar with Rich Uncle Pennybags in the middle O. The dice show numbers 3
and 5. The bottom of the box is un-printed.
The back of the solid game board is blue.
The word Monopoly goes in closed characters in a black frame
sloping over the board. The innerbox
contains except for a small plastic insert with 7 holes for the banknotes also a
filling up piece of blue cardboard on which
the "13 frequently asked questions" are printed in Spanish.
The game is entirely in the Spanish language but the money is in dollars. It are the
well-known banknotes with the mention "Copyright
1935 by Parker Brothers Inc." in the centre circle. The Casualidad (Chance) cards are red and the Arca Comunal
(Community Chest) cards are yellow, both illustrated
with funny pictures of Rich Uncle Pennybags identical to those of the original
American issue.
There are 10 metal tokens "made in Hong Kong", viz.: car
- hat - thimble - dog - boat - iron - canon - rider-on-horse - shoe and wheelbarrow.
The dark green houses and red
hotels with overhanging roofs are made of plastic and do have a centrally
placed chimney. Both dice are white with black pips.
This edition was "Fabricado en los EE.UU".
Edition: Gran Mundo Financiero
Publisher: Juegos Toledo M.T.R. - ±1990
Dimensions of the box: 21.8 x 41.6 cm
of the board: 35.5 x 35.5 cm
The game:
The (soft) gameboard of this box can be played on at both sides.
The games are called:
Gran Mundo Financiero (= The great financial world)
Ases de la Hípica
As monopoholic I am only interested in the monopoly-like game.
The colorful illustration on the lid immediately shows "Gran Mundo
Financiero" to be the most important game. The large picture, returning on
the midfield of the board, is perhaps a view over the capital city of
The innerbox has an insert of white cardboard with but 6 holes for the 7
banknotes and 3 for the attributes.
It is striking that the playdirection is counter-clockwise.
Like with the official Monopoly there are also 9 spaces inbetween the corners.
These 4 corners are resp.:
1. Partida
2. Cárcel (a nice picture of a rascal in a prison cell)
3. Teatro
4. Asistencia Pública
The numbered spaces (streets and institutes of Santiago?) along
the 4 sides are successively:
Side 1: Carmen - ? - Lira
- Compañía de Gas - Compañía de Teléfonos - Gran
Avenida - ? - Av. Grecia -
Side 2: San Diego - ? - Av.
Matta - Estación Mapocho - Chilectra - ? - Diez
de Julio - Estadio Nacional - Portugal
Side 3: A.Prat - Franklin
- ? - Matucana - Hotel Sheraton - Exposición
- Aeropuerto - Bandera - Puente
Side 4: Recoleta - ? - El
Salto - Estación Central - Torres de San Borja - Providencia
- Hipódromo Chile - Ahumada - Estado
Both the property cards and the Destino (destination) cards
are 45 x 65 mm and have to be separated from sheets. There are 2 types of Destino
cards, 20x blue and 20x pink.
Strange enough there are no spaces for them on the board's centre-field.
The banknotes are of the "Banco Comercial de Santiago" and
show pictures of well-known persons. The 6 denominations in Pesos are resp.:
- 100 - 500
- 1,000 - 5,000
and 10,000.
There are 13 tokens altogether, of which 6 pawns and 7 horses (for the
other game). The 24 Casas (houses) as well as the12 Edificios
(buildings) are white. The Edificios have a chimney.
Both white dice are unequal in size.
bar code ref. 000048
Publisher: Juguetes Meyer Ltda./m.Hr.Hobby - Santiago - ±1990
Dimensions of the box: 29.5 x 51.5 cm
The game:
This game is ment for players aged 12 to 99.
The gameboard is much larger than the one of the "regular"
MONOPOLY game. It's dimensions are: 76.5 x 49.5 cm and it is folded in 3!
It has streets of the capital Santiago. They are divided over
the game board into 4 groups,
including a racecourse or an electricity works, or station or airport and
similar. Each groupconsists of 9 numbered spaces. This is including 1 or 2 Chance
spaces. There is no Go, however one starts at the bank.
(What is the meaning of the police, doctor, professor and First Aid?):
Counter-clockwise the properties are from Banco
Alameda B.O'Higgins - Destino
- Ahumada - Chilectra
- Estación Central - Torres
de Tajamar - Vitacura - Destino
- Providencia
Los Leones - Matucana
- Estación Mapocho - San
Pablo - Gasco - Américo
Vespucio - Destino - Avenida
Colón - Arturo Prat
Bilbao - Aeropuerto
Pudahuel - Tobalaba - Destino
- Compañía de Teléfonos - Recoleta
- Destino - Irarrázval
- Pedro de Valdivia
Asistencia Publica
Apoquindo - Estadio
Nacional - Villa El Dorado - Destino
- Club Hipico - Vicùña
Mackenna - Hotel Carrera - Diez
de Julio - Gran Avenida.
There are no prices mentioned on the game board.
those places like electricity, stadium, club hipique, hotel Carrera a.s.o. are
cards in the size of the chance cards.
The innerbox contains a white plastic insert with 15 holes for all
accessories as well as the Rules. The bottom is green
with white text.
There are red and beige
chance cards (Destino). They contain well-known cards like house repairs,
school tax and doctor's fee, but there are other cards as well like for example
for a visit to the cinema for which the player has to pay the bank $ 600 (for 2
The money issued by the Banco Mundial consists of 6 banknoteswith
unsharp sketches of mansheads in denominations of: $ 100
- 500 - 1.000
- 5.000 - 10.000
and 50.000. (It is nowhere said what the
$-sign stands for but it most probaly will be the Peso.)
The tokens are 6 aggravation pawns. There are 50 large red
houses and 24 large blue hotels,
made of poor plastic. Both dice are red
with white pips.
The game is of course in Spanish; the Rules seems to be a bit more simple
than those of Monopoly.
The price amounted to Ps 4580 (€ 18.-) December 1994.
Publisher: Juguetes Guau - ±1990
Dimensions of the box: 38.5 x 38.5 cm
The game:
The game does not look so modern. The box shows some old fashioned pictures and
illustrations. The gameboard shows the same pictures. The game is clearly based
on Monopoly but has some deviating matters. It is striking that also this game
has to be played counter clock-wise.
Besides possession of but one street is sometimes sufficient to build houses: 4
streets stand "alone" and further more are 8 "duo" streets.
Moreover there are many single spaces (comparable with Water Works and Electric
Company) like Chilectra, Gasco, Compagnia de Teléfonos and hotel
Carrera (who by the way also occur in the earlier mentioned game.)
The first
space is not Go but Banco del Estado. Also here are only Chance
(Destino) cards in two colors: yellow
and red. The money is divided in
banknotes of 100 to 50,000 Ps and have a quality of a color copymachine. Each
player receives at the start of the game 20,000 Ps in undifined
denominations. Passing over Banco del Estado you receive 30,000 Ps; landing
on this space makes you receiving 35,000 Ps, so not double the amount.
This set was bought in January 1995.
Edition: International
Spanish edition, ref.08009
"Juego de Compraventa de Inmuebles, de Parker
(Property trading game, of Parker Brothers)
Publisher: Parker Brothers/Hasbro Inc.
- Pawtucket - 1999
Dimensions of the box: 26.9 x 40.2 cm
The game:
The lid of this new "standard box" (shorter than the 1985 issue) also shows the last part of the
4th side and Go. On top is the red
bar with Rich Uncle Pennybags in the middle O. The dice now show the
numbers 3 and 6 but the race car is still on the Paseo Tablado.
The bottom of the box is still un-printed, unlike the similar European editions
showing a "laughing family" around a table playing Monopoly.
In this new box is one plastic tray with 7 slots for the banknotes, 10 slots for
the property deeds and 4 trays for the other equipment. The board is
folded in four. The word Monopoly is in a black frame diagonal the
board. On the game board are the nice looking Casualidadand Arca Comunal
cards of this set. It are white cards on which the text in a frame is printed
in red. The back of the Arca Comunal cards
is blue with the treasure chest in a yellow
field; that of the Casualidad cards is red
with a ? in a yellow
The property cards don't have rounded corners and consequently look like
slightly largers (dim.: 56 x 87 mm). The back of this white cards is printed in red.
The banknotes are of the new model, i.e. with a black ribbon with
in there "Monopoly with Uncle Pennybags" in the upper part of the
The 10 tokens are made of pewter (without a mention "made in
China" on the plastic bag). The green
plastic houses do have a chimney, the red
hotels don't. Both the dice are white.
This edition also is "Fabricado en los EE.UU".
Monopoly Edición Aniversario, Art.N° 00819
Publisher: Parker Brothers/Hasbro Perú S.A. - 2000
Dimensions of the box: 25.2 x 48.3 cm
The game:
This again is the Spanish language issue of an American game, i.a. with the
streets of Atlantic City.
For this anniversary edition the same design is used as for the DeLuxe
versions in many other countries in this same peiod:
However, in contrast with the DeLuxe editions this box is not high and
therefore it cannot contain a carousel card holder for the banker.
The bottom part of the box shows a nice color picture of the game board and its
accessories, however without the tokens. Because of the fact this is an
anniversary edition a "moneybag" has been added.
The property deeds (58x89
mm) with rounded corners have a blue
The funny illustrated orange colored Suerte
(Luck) and yellow colored
Comunal (Community Chest) cards are rather small (45x77 mm).
The money consists of one sided printed Monopoly banknotes in low
denominations 1 -
5 - 10 -
20 - 50 -
100 and 500.
Here again the $-sign is used on the game board as well as on the property deeds
and in the Rules.
The 10 metal tokens are the very well-known: boat - car - hoat -
dog - iron - rider-on-horse - wheel-barrow - canon - thimble and shoe. However
it says on the bottom of the box that there are only 8 tokens supplied.
The green houses and red
hotels are made of transparant plastic. They have a chimney in the centre
of the roof.
Both dice are white with black pips. The Rules are printed red
on white paper.
This game is imported from Argentina.
The price of this set amounted to ARS 46.- (= € 13.80) July 2002 in
Edition: Monopoly Junior, Art.Nº 441
Publisher: Parker Brothers/Tonka/Hasbro Perú S.A. - ±2000
Dimensions of the box: 30.3 x 30.3 cm
The game:
The presentation of this Junior edition is according to the American design,
i.a. with a somewhat oblong game board in a square box. It also
bears the "typical" American ref.number 441. However,
it is Fabricado en Argentina.
The long sides have 10 spaces and the short side therefore only have 6. Besides
the sizes of the spaces are rather different. The 1 time folded game
board's back is red. The bottom side of the
box shows a color picture of the board with all its accessories.
Inside the inner box is a cardboard insert with the Rules printed on in red.
Join Rich Uncle Pennybags and his nieces and nephews for a thrill-filled day at
the "Amusements street" - the Roller Coaster, the Magic Show, the
Water Slide the Video Arcade and more.
Four kids can play at the same time, because there are 4 simple pawns
(instead of cars as the picture at the bottom suggests), resp. yellow,
red, blue and green.
The Casitas de Venta (Ticket Boots) distributed at
the start of the game are in the same 4 colors. They very much look the
same like the well-known hotels and they also have a chimney. The moment you
have 2 entretenimientos (attractions) of the same
color you can collect double the fee.
There are 6 Suerte spaces, where cards can be drawn with instructions
like Dirigirse al tobogan de agua (Go to the Water Slide)
and Paga
$3 para tomar el tren para ir al toilette (Pay $3 and take
the train to the toilet). The sizes of these cards are 45x78 mm.
The money consists of 5 one side printed notes (51x83 mm) with Uncle
Pennybags in the centre field in various situation. The denominations are resp.: 1 - 2
- 3 - 4
and 5 $.
The one die is white with black pips.
This game is imported from Argentina.
The price of this set amounted to ARS 28.50 (= € 8.55) in July 2002 in
Edition: Monopoly Express, Art.N° 9035
Juego de Cartas
(Card game)
Publisher: Parker Brothers/Tonka/Hasbro
Argentina S.A. - 2000
Dimensions of the box: 19.0 x 27.2 cm
The game:
Strang enough there are no Rules supplied with this game, made in
Argentina. On the other hand it is manifest it is a happy families game,
because the aim is to make monopolies of one of the famous streets plus
1 or 2 adjacent other fields like Suerte, Arca Comunal, Obras de aguas
corrientes or Compañía de Electricidad. All 4 stations also make a
monopoly, as well as the the 4 corners. The game is again the Spanish language
version of the American town Atlantic City.
A colored bar along the edge of the little game board (26x26 cm)
indicates which 4 spaces belongs to a monopoly.
The Rules of the corresponding American Express
Monopoly Card Game, No.40155 from 1994 tell us:
"At the start of the game for a maximum of 4 players each one gets 4 cards;
the remainder is placed in the center of the game board (on the Pozo space).
The one who is on turn draw as many cards as necessary to bring his hand up to a
total of 5. Next he/she plays one card to the space of the matching property
group on the board. The one who adds the fourth card to 1 color makes monopoly
and put these cards face down in front of him/her.
There is no money, nor houses and hotels, but the
monopolies do have a value in points, increasing from 1 to 8. At the end
of each round each player's number of points are counted. The first player to
reach 50 points, or have the highest score after the final round has been
completed, is the winner ."
This edition is imported from Argentina.
The price of
this set amounted to ARS 12.- (= € 3.60) July 2002 in Argentina.
- long little box
Atlantic City - Spanish, Art.N° 00818
Publisher: Parker Brothers/Hasbro/The Toy Comp. S.R.L. - 2001
Dimensions of the box: 21.7 x 41.5 cm
The game:
The lid of this long little box shows Mr.Monopoly out the middle O
of Monopoly in the red bar. Because Rich
Uncle Pennybags was not renamed into Mr.Monopoly (with red
bow tie) until 2000 this issue must date from that year as well.
Although this edition has been manufactured in Argentina it still is the Spanish
language issue of the American version, i.e. with the streets from Atlantic City.
Of this both most expensive streets next to Salida are shown on the lid
underneath the red bar. On the lid and all
its rims show the Hasbro logo and in addition there is a
promotion sign saying
"Original Monopoly with metal tokens".
The bottom of the box show a color picture of a game board (with red
back) and all accessories. In reality the board's back is dark blue.
The game board's playside is
folded outwards. The properties are still low prised, reason why you receive but $ 200
over Salida. The property deeds (58x89
mm) with rounded corners have a blue
The funny illustrated orange colored Suerte
(Luck) and yellow colored
Comunal (Community Chest) cards are rather small (45x77 mm).
The money consists of one sided printed Monopoly banknotes in low
denominations 1 -
5 - 10 -
20 - 50 -
100 and 500.
Here again the $-sign is used on the game board as well as on the property deeds
and in the Rules.
The 10 metal tokens are the very well-known: boat - car - hoat -
dog - iron - rider-on-horse - wheel-barrow - canon - thimble and shoe. However
it says on the bottom of the box that there are only 8 tokens supplied.
The green houses and red
hotels are made of transparant plastic. They have a chimney in the centre
of the roof.
Both dice are white with black pips. The Rules are printed in blue
on white paper.
This edition is imported from Argentina.
The price of this set amounted to ARS 40.- (= € 12.-) July 2002 in
Edition: Monopoly Infantil, Art.Nº 441(Children's
Publisher: Hasbro Arg. S.A./The Toy
Comp.S.R.L. - 2001
Dimensions of the box: 30.3 x 30.3 cm
The game:
The great difference between this edition and the somewhat older version under
the same Art.N°441 is the translation of Junior into Infantil.
Although it doesn't like very obvious there are still some small differences,
Of course the Rules are the same.
This edition is also manufactured in Argentina.
The price of this set amounted to ARS 28.50 (= € 8.55) July 2002 in
Edition: Monopoly Ecuador, ref.nrs. LA01730 (LA01753 / 2000001743126)
Juego de Compraventa de Inmuebles, de Parker Brothers ®
de Colección
- 2008
Dimensions of the box: 40.2 x 26.7x 6.7 cm
Diese Version auf
deutsch: www.monopoly-wiki.de
The game:
This collector's item is from the collection of Steve Amato -
As it can be read from the bottom of this edition this typical Ecuadorian version
is also distributed in Chile and Mexico.
While in many countries the black, or blue,
Parker logo tends to disappear these days from the Hasbro
editions this first Monopoly edition is yet introduced in this country showing
the American blue Parker logo on the
colorfull lid. This also means the game has been produced in America. It almost has
the sizes of the standard white boxes of the Parker/Hasbro editions from around the year
2000 in Europe and elsewhere, only 1.5 cm higher. However, its content is that
of the standard square green boxes with the third
die as it is announced by the yellow
sticker on the bottom of the box saying
"Juega rápido con el Dado
Veloz" (Play faster with the Lucky die). The bottom
of the box only shows a large picture of the board with Mr. Monopoly on top and the "introduction
story" in a green column. There is no
reference to the new interactive ways of playing Monopoly by EA.
The properties are from Salida (Go)
Península De
Santa Elena -
Arca Comunal (Community Chest)
- Machala - Impuestos Sobre La Renta
(Income Tax) - Aeropuerto Cuenca - Santo
Domingo - Casualidad
(Chance) - Portoviejo
- Manta
- En la cárcel/De visit nada más
Plaza de la Independencia
- Empresa
Electrica - Parque la Carolina
-Palacio de Carondelet - Aeropuerto
Quito -
- Arca
Comunal - Iglesia DeGuapulo
- Parque Itchimbía - Parada
Libre - Parque de las Iguanas
- Casualidad - Parque
Histórico Guayaquil
- Malecon 2000 - Aeropuerto
Guayaquil - Las
Penas - Municipio
de Guayaquil - Agua Potable (Represa Paute)
- Parque
-¡Váyase a la cárcel! - Cuenca
- Ruinas de Inga-Pirca - Arca
Comunal - El Chimborazo - Aeropuerto
Manta -Casualidad - Islas Galápagos
- Impuestos de Lujo (Luxury Tax)
and Mitad del Mundo.
The most striking is the 3rd die, the red
socalled Lucky die, making the play faster. However, the game can still
be played the "old-fashioned" way, without this additional die.
This die shows the figures 1 - 2 and 3, a bus and 2x Mr.
Monopoly. The effect of this Lucky die, together with both white dice is: