Number of versions: 5
Edition: February 25, 2001
Updated: october 25 2011

Probably only 10 to 15 years after Parker Brothers started selling
games in 1935 in America, the first Portugese editions appeared.
The properties on the Parker Brothers game boards as from 1961 sometimes majorly differ (like
stations instead of cinema's) and sometimes only in minor detail (different spelling of street names) from that of the original issues of
the same maker.
The properties of the Portuguese Monopoly editions are not only from the
capital Lisbon, but are mainly based on streets from Lisbon, followed by a
number from Porto and a few streets from 3 other cities.
The spaces on the game boards as from 1961 are from Partida:
Campo Grande (Lisboa) - Caixa da Comunidade -
Av.Fernão de Magalhães (Porto) - Pague imposto sobre a renda -
Estação do Rossio - Avenida Almirante Reis (Lisboa) -
Sorte -
Avenida Todi (Setúbal) - Av.
24 de Julho (Lisboa) - Cadeia (2x) - Avenida
dos Combatentes (Braga) - Companhia Electricidade - Rua Ferreira
Borges (Coimbra) - Av. de Roma (Lisboa)
- Estação de Campanhã - Avenida da
Boavista (Porto) - Caixa da Comunidade - Avenida
da República (Lisboa) - Rua de SÁ da
Bandeira (Porto) - Estacionamento Livre - Rua
de Santa Catarina (Porto) - Sorte -
Rua do Carmo (Lisboa) - Av.Marechal
Gomes da Costa (Porto) - Estação de S.Bento - Rua
de Santo António (Porto) -
(Lisboa) - Companhia das Águas -
Avenida dos Aliados
- Vá para a Cadeia - Avenida da Liberdade
(Lisboa) - Praça da Liberdade (Porto)
- Caixa da Comunidade - Rua do Ouro (Lisboa)
- Estação de S.ta Apolónia - Sorte - Rua
Augusta (Lisboa) - Taxa de
Luxo and Rossio (Lisboa).
Publisher: Majora - Porto - ± 1950
Dimensions of the box: 25 x 49.5 cm
The game:
A collector from Portugal pointed this old, not Parker Brothers
Monopoly issue out to me.
He tells about this edition:
"My mother got this set as a child, the reason why I assume this set dates
back to about 1950.
It must have been one of the first Portugese Monopoly editions. Even today the existing manufacturer could not tell when they started
issuing this game. However Marjora decided to translate the original American
name, because under the then ruling dictator (until 1974) import of products was
forbidden and in case products were important they should be sold under
Portugese name.
As Parker Brothers found out Majora brought the games on this way on the market
they were forced to stop and use the original name."
At close comparison of the Parker Brothers version as from 1961 with this
inland variant it shows that:
 | The corners were not yet the official ones:
 | The rascal wears real prison clothing and is behind more bars. |
 | On Free Parking a luxury car is to be seen from the front
instead of the back of the red car
with its white spare wheel. |
 | "Officer Edgar Mallory", the policeman who sends you back to
jail looks forward but points backwards. |
 | Except for the Electric Company and Water Works (both with deviating
pictures) there is a Gas Company as well. |
 | At the 3rd red street space is now the
Water Works. |
 | " Caixa da Comunidade" (Community Chest) is called here "Tire a sua Sorte"
On these spaces is like on those of the "Tire o seu Azar" a ?. |
 | At the Water Works space is an additional " Tire a sua Sorte". |
 | Instead of a 3rd purple street is a
tax space "Pague Imposto Predial". |
 | Instead of stations there are 4 cinema's here. |
 | The second street after Partida is a
different street in Porto. |
 | The field names are only printed once on this game board. |
 | The colors of the question marks on the game board differ. |
As from Partida the properties and other
fields of this oldest known edition are successively:
Campo Grande (Lisboa) - Tire o seu Azar - Av.dos
Combatentes (Porto) - Pague imposto sobre a renda - S.Luís
Cine - Av. Almirante Reis (Lisboa) - Tire a sua Sorte -
Av. Todi (Setúbal) - Av.
24 de Julho (Lisboa) - Cadeia (1x) - Av.
dos Combatentes (Braga) - Companhia Electricidade - Rua Ferreira
Borges (Coimbra) - Pague Imposto Predial - S.Joáo Cine - Av.
da Boavista (Porto) - Tire a sua Sorte - Av.República
(Lisboa) - R. SÁ da Bandeira (Porto)
- Estacionamento Livre - R.Sta. Catarina
(Porto) - Tire o seu Azar - Rua do Carmo
(Lisboa) - Companhia das Águas - Cinema Tivoli - R.Sto.António
(Porto) -R.Garrett
(Lisboa) - Tire a sua Sorte - Av. dos Aliados (Porto)
- Vá para a Cadeia - Av. da Liberdade (Lisboa)
- Pr.da Liberdade (Porto) - Companhia do
Gaz - R.do Ouro (Lisboa) - Coliseu
- Tire a sua Sorte - R.Augusta (Lisboa) -
Pague Imposto de Conservaçáo de saneamento and Rossio
Apparently until the sixties it was common usage to always have something
different at the yellow streets. So
they waggled with the amounts of the first and third street. The board shows a
value of 2600$ at R. Sto. Antonio, while its property deed shows a mortage value
of 1400$ (Escudos). In reverse the board has a price of 2800$ at Av. dos
Aliados, while its mortage value is 1300$. And here again the
rent of all unimproved.
The banknotes are of the manufacturer's own design and so differ
completely from the "official". In the large central circle of the
note it always says above the number in red "Monopólio Registado"
and under it "Majora". Outside this circle there are another 4 smaller
circles showing the denomination. The denominations of the 7 banknotes are
resp.: 10$ - 50$ - 100$ - 200$ - 500$ - 1000$ and 5000$.
Unfortunately there are no tokens, houses nor hotels
anymore. However, it is known that they were of wood.
Edition: Monopoly,
standard long box, Ref. 492
de Sociedade
Licença Parker Brothers Inc. U.S.A.
Fabrico Exclusivo de Majora - Porto
Publisher: Parker Brothers, Inc./Majora - Porto - ±1961
Dimensions of the box: 26.2 x 48.0 cm
Dim.of the double folded board: 66.8 x 66.8 cm
The game:
This white box with a picture of the gameboard in a green
and blue field and Monopoly in white
characters in a red bar is typical for the
sixties and seventies. Moreover is under the red
bar the logo exsisting of a "drawn Uncle Pennybags in a red
square with a blue engine on each
Like in other European countries these Portugese editions clearly have
the features of the Parker Brothers design, i.e.:
 | The standard presentation of the Jail (rascal with thick lips behind 3
bars), Free Parking (red car with white
tires) and
Go to Jail (policeman with blue
cap and wistle). |
 | Thee stations show the black locomotive pointing forward. |
 | Until the eighties the word Monopoly on the boargame's midfield is
in closed, black characters without frame and parallel to the
first side. |
 | The names of the spaces are mentioned twice. |
 | The Community Chest fields show the blue
treasure chest and the Super Tax field shows "the gold ring with
diamond". |
However, there are remarkable differences compared to the same editions from
other countries, viz.:
 | The banknotes (dim. 48 x 91 mm) are indeed of the Banco
Monopoly and they also show a house, a lokomotive and twice the
denomination in a small space, but the design is completely different and
there is no mention of a patent nor a patent pending. The brown
backside show a pattern of the word Monopoly. The 7 denominations
are in Escudos: 10 (dark grey on light
- 50 (red on beige)
- 100 (dark blue on blue
- 200 (blue green on light
- 500 (brown on light
- 1.000 (orange on yellow)
and 5.000 (purple on light
purple). |
 | The plastic houses are red,
while the hotels are green!
They have roof tiles as well as a centrally placed chimney. |
 | All cards, including the property deeds are numbered. |
 | The gameboard is folded with the playside outwards. |
The white back of the game board has a pattern of the maker's name in blue
characters. In the innerbox are 2 inserts of soft cream
colored plastic. One contains 7 spaces for the banker's banknotes, the other has
8 holes for the storage of the attributes. The is nothing printed at the bottom
of the box.
Like in the issues of other countries here the rent of all unimproved.
Both blue Sorte- and pink
Caixa da Comunidade cards have a pattern of the word Monopoly printed on
both sides.
The tokens are 6 simple plastic pawns. Both dice are white with black
The price of this set amounted to US$ 11.- in September 1987.
This edition was "Made in Portugal"
Edition: Monopoly,
reduced long box, Ref. 492/1
de Sociedade
Licença Parker Brothers Inc. U.S.A.
Fabrico Exclusivo de Majora - Porto
Publisher: Parker Brothers, Inc./Majora - Porto - ±1961
Dimensions of the box: 22.0 x 42.0 cm
Dim.of the double folded board: 41 x 41 cm
The game:
This edition is almost exactly equal to the one with Ref.492, except for the
fact that it is slightly smaller. Also this smaller edition cannot be
compared with the square box in which the gameboard is folded
twice. That is because of this edition the board is 41 x 41 cm, whereas that of
the large edition is 66.8 x 66.8 cm.
The board has remarkable broad white edges. It's back is green
with a pattern of the name Majora.
In the innerbox is an insert of blue
plastic with 9 holes for the attributes. The bottom of the box is
Again the houses are red and the hotels
green. The 6 colored, plastic tokens
are hollw cilinders with rounded top.
Both dice are of wood and green with
gold pips.
This edition was "Made in Portugal".
Edition: Monopoly,
square box, Ref. 492/2
de Sociedade
Licença Parker Brothers Inc. U.S.A.
Fabrico Exclusivo de Majora - Porto
Publisher: Parker Brothers, Inc./Majora - Porto - ca.1970
Dimensions of the box: 25.0 x 25.0 cm
Dim.of the double folded board: 46.7 x 40.7 cm
The game:
Note that all 3 games have different sizes.
Oddly enough, this is the only game of these 3 where the copyright line is
mentioned under the red Monopoly bar of the
This edition of the "white box doos with the board in a green,
in blue field" and the red
Monopolybar about in the middle of
the lid has been published over more than 10 years in many countries
and in various sizes.
All accessories in this edition are exactly the same as those of the earlier
publications, like:
the numbered property deeds, the Sorte and Caixa da Comunidade cards, the small
banknotes of the Banco Monopoly,
the little red houses and large green
Te 6 tokens are lttle plastic pawns with wide base.
The dice are of black wood with gold pips.
The rent of the most expensive yellow
street in unbuild state, the R.de Santo António in Porto, is still that of the
other 2 streets.
This is already since the creation of the game in America, see chapter http://www.muurkrant.nl/monopoly/usa-classic-editions.htm.
This game was "Made in Portugal"
Standard - new itinerary Ref. 060100009/190
Jogo de Sociedade
Publisher: Parker/Hasbro, Inc./Hasbro
Iberia S.L. - 2001
Dimensions of the box: 26.8 x 40.3 cm
of the game board: 25.2 x 25.2 cm
The game:
Although it is not yet mentioned, it does mean that also this edition has been
made in the large plants in Waterford-Ierland.
Parker/Hasbro have worldwide standardized
their games, reason why they become the less interesting for collectors, to my
opinion. Now all standard editions in all countries got number 9, the number
applied to all American editions from the very first publications in 1935.
See: http://www.muurkrant.nl/monopoly/usa-classic-editions.htm.
The above mentioned reference number has to be read as follows:
0601: is the date the design of the game was made, so June -
00009: standard edition
190: Hasbro's country number for Portugal.
The design of this new game features::
 | The illustration on
the lid shows a somewhat cheap looking roodbruine
rim. |
Only 4 spaces of the
fourth side of the game board are shown in perspective with 1 house, 1
hotel, still the hat and the racecar as well as both dice, however
now with 4 and 3 (instead of 3 and 5, as on previous wite boxes with
ref.nr.14535 from the second of the fifties). |
 | The prices of the properties are in Euro as well as in low
values startin with
€ 60 and finishing with €400 for the most expensive street. |
The perspective red
Monopoly bar with the nice shadow and
Mr.Monopoly with the red bow tie (until
2000 he was Rich Uncle Pennybags), that appears on the lid, the board
game's midfield and all 4 rims of the innerbox. |
The bottom side of the box no longer shows "the
laughing family" but almost the whole game board with all its
The "bankers tray" of this
"standard" box is red
and has holes for the 7 banknotes as well as for the property deeds who
are still present with the banker. The game board is folded in
four and fits, when stored, precisely on the bankers tray. The back of the
board is red, the
playside is blue green.
On the board the Sorte cards with red
back and ? are as usual next to the Partiida
corner and the Caixa da Comunidade cards with blue
back and treasure chest next to the Free Parking corner. The cards (56x87 mm)
have right angled corners.
The property cards (56x87 mm) also have right angled corners.
The banknotes (52x100 mm) are printed on one side only. On top
of the circle on the note is a black ribbon showing "MONOPOLY with
Mr.Monopoly". At the bottom of this circle is in small characters "©2001
Hasbro Inc.". The currency is Euro (€) and the denominations
are resp.: 1 - 5
-10 - 20
- 50 - 100
and 500 (ref.100 00009 00C0).
The 10 tokens are of light metal and are the well-known: hat -
shoe - car - boat - dog - wheelbarrow - rider-on-a-horse - thimble - iron and
The green houses
and red hotels
are of non-transparant plastic and have all an overhanging roof with an
excentric chimney.
Both dice are white with black pips.
The spaces on the game board are since 2001 according to a completely new
itinerary and are from Partida onwards:
Campo Grande (Lisboa) - Caixa da Comunidade -
Rua Faria Guimarães (Porto) - Pague imposto sobre
capitais -
Estação do Rossio - Alameda das Linhas de
Torres (Lisboa) -
Sorte -
Avenida da Nações Unidas (Telheiras) - Avenida
24 de Julho (Lisboa) - Na/Apenas Visitante
- Avenida Central (Braga) - Companhia Electricidade - Rua Ferreira
Borges (Coimbra) - Avenida de Roma (Lisboa)
- Gare do Oriente - Avenida da
Boavista (Porto) - Caixa da Comunidade - Avenida
da República (Lisboa) - Rua Mouzinho da
Silveira (Porto) - Estacionamento Livre - Rua
de Santa Catarina (Porto) - Sorte -
Avenida Infante Santo (Lisboa) - Rua
Júlio Diniz(Porto) - Estação de S.Bento - Praça
da República (Porto) - Avenida
Fontes Pereira de Melo
(Lisboa) - Companhia das Águas -
Rotunda da
Boavista (Porto)
- Vá para a Cadeia - Avenida da Liberdade
(Lisboa) - Rua dos Clérigos (Porto)
- Caixa da Comunidade - Avenida do Parque das Nações (Lisboa)
- Estação de STa Apolónia - Sorte - Rua
das Amoreiras (Lisboa) - Imposto de
Luxo and Rossio (Lisboa).