Number of versions: 3
Edition: June 5, 2004

Both editions hereunder were purchased as "Russian" games, but
because they are resp. manufactured in Odessa and Kiev it is more
correct to count them among the independant state of Ukraine.
Since 1997 Parker/Hasbro sell the Russian set, so with the streets of
Moscow, of their edition 14535 in this country as well.
Manager, ref.10741
Publisher: Oeorn Kombinat - 1990
Dimensions of the box: 23 x 46 cm
The game:
Both box and board are very poor and limp. Both the blue-white-red
lid and its rim show the cities New York - London - Monreal - Paris
- Rome and Odessa in readable characters. Why they wanted Odessa
to be amongst this row of metropolises?
The game boards midfield shows Manager
twice in cyrillic writing as well as a statue holding a maxi-watch in
his hand!? The design looks like the regular Monopoly game, however Manager
do not has houses and hotels built on streets of 1 or more cities.
However, there are 8 groups of related objects spread over the game
board: From Ctapt (Start) onwards they are: light industry - sports &
relaxation - transport means - theatres/cinemas
- restaurants - hotels - department stores and heavy
Property deeds are used, the contents of which is also shown on the
board's field. There are12 grey and 26 pink
discs (diam.15 mm) that reminds on
houses and hotels. In the mid of each side a Sjurpriz (Chance) card can be drawn. The other stack of 20 cards shows a stilistic bird
with letter. Four spaces show a purse, I place I suppose where one has to
pay. The banknotes are as small as the Chance cards and the property
deeds (35x60 mm), however they have a very good appearance.
The game can be played by 6 persons at the maximum.
Manager, small box 
Publisher: Kombinat "Gorjzont" - 1991
Dimensions of the box: 50 x 50 cm
The game:
The idea of this edition is the same as of the one described before. The order
of the 8 groupes of companies and institutes is now:
restaurants - hotels
- transport means - theatres/cinemas
- light industry
- sports
& relaxation - department stores
and heavy industry.
The game board is built up of 4 pieces of soft cardboard made to one
piece with tape at the backside.
The symbol of the Chance cards (Sjurpriz) is now a "box with
bow" on the cards and a question mark on the board's spaces. The second
stack of 20 small cards shows a telephone as symbol. There are12 red
and 26
"squares" for the building (?) of the properties.
The money consists of 7 oblong (35x80 mm), solid notes with clear print
of the denominations: 100
- 500 - 1000
- 2000 - 5000
-10.000 and 50.000.
The tokens are 6 small, plastic pawns. Both dice are blue
with white pips.
The price amounted to 42 Rouble ~ € 0.20 in 1992.
Standard - Russian, ref. 14535121
Publisher: Parker/Hasbro Magyarország - Budapest - 1997
Dimensions of the box: 26.8 x 40.3 x 5.3 cm
of the board:
25.2 x 25.2 cm
The game:
In the second half of the nineties Parker/Hasbro have with great energy
introduced this uniform version in the former "East bloc" countries.
Unfortunately they haven't issued an own Ukraďne edition but sell instead the
Russian version, so with the streets of Moscow.
In this for the rest of Europe so well-known "standard" box is
naturally the red plastic "banker's
tray" with holes for the 7 banknotes and property deeds still present with
the banker.
The game board is folded in four and fits, when stored,
precisely on the banker's tray. The back of the board is as usual red,
the playside is blue green. This
edition is "Sdelano v Irlandii"" and therefore it shows the
picture of the "laughing family" at the bottom of the box.
On the game board the IIIAHC (SHANS) cards
with nice red back are as usual
near the Start corner while the OBSHCHESTVENNAYA KAZNA cards
with their nice blue back are near
the Free Parking corner.
The banknotes are of the one side printed new model, i.e. with
a black Monopoly banner and Uncle Pennybags in the upper part of the circle and,
almost invisible, the remark "1996 Tonka Corporation". The currency is
$ and the denominations are resp.: 1
- 5 - 10
- 20 - 100 and
Since you already receive 200 TbIC.Rublley (200.000
Roebel) all amounts are a factor 1000 higher than usual.
There is a note in the box (dated 0997) heading Prilozjenie,
reporting the property deed of the 1st station appears 2 times, while
that of the 3rd station is failing. The double deed must be changed
by pencil. This is indeed the case in my set, however, in the one of Jan Jansen
is the small note, however there are 4 different property deeds.
The 10 tokens are of light metal and are the well-known: hat -
shoe - car - boat - dog - wheelbarrow - rider-on-a-horse - thimble - iron and
canon. The green
houses and red hotels
are of non-transparant plastic and have all an overhanging roof, with exception
of the hotels with an excentric chimney.
Both dice are white with black pips.
The price of this set
amounted to Hryvna 155 (~ € 35,-) in the largest department store in Kiev
September 2001.